Helpsheet – Accessing prescriptions online

Accessing prescriptions online

Firstly, follow the steps on our “Accessing information online” to open your browser (Chrome) and start a Google search.

Next, type in the name of your medical surgery. In our case, we searched for “West End medical practice Edinburgh”.

Next, you will likely come across a screen similar to the one below.

There are then two ways to get on to the website. You could click the circular button that says website, on the right-hand side, or you could go all the way down and click on the West End Medical Practice link,

If a window pops up on the screen, then you can click the X button which is normally in the top right corner.

You are now able to swipe through the page again (swiping up to go down the page) and search the page. Now each website/medical surgery will have a different way of displaying their website but each one of them should have a heading somewhere (usually across the top or down the left-
hand side) that says “Prescriptions”. Just click on those words to start the process.

Either one of two things are now likely to appear. A form will potentially show up here, where you need to enter your details, including name, prescription etc.
You will automatically be redirected to a different website (potentially where you will need to type in all your details, as well as the name of your doctor.