Volunteer Stories

Volunteers’ Week 2022: Sandra

Volunteers’ Week 2022: Sandra

Volunteers’ Week runs from 1-7 June every year, and it is a chance to thank all our amazing volunteers here at ACE IT. In 2022, we are highlighting the stories and experiences of some of our volunteers.

Sandra Campbell is retired and keeps herself busy by volunteering for a number of charities. She is a one-to-one coach at ACE IT.

A woman smiling at the camera

Why do you volunteer?

I think it’s really important to be busy – retirement is just a change in occupation and I don’t see it as being the end of my working life. It has allowed me to meet lots of interesting people and I’ve made a lot of new friends through doing it.

What do you find most rewarding about volunteering with ACE IT?

The world has definitely moved more and more into the digital age, and it’s so difficult for many older people to get to grips with everyday tasks that now demand digital skills and knowledge of IT. I find it very rewarding to see learners, who are not confident in using IT and doing things online, become much more relaxed about it, and who start to take a real interest in learning more and more.

What has been your favourite experience while volunteering with ACE IT?

It’s hard to pinpoint just one experience. Each learner brings a different need to the sessions and it’s always a lovely moment when I see how happy they are when they can overcome a problem that has been really worrying them and, in many cases, causing them some stress. Whether that’s learning how to navigate an online form, uploading documents and photos to application forms, doing their shopping online, preparing a CV, or just to feel that the whole mystery of using technology starts to be less daunting. 

What is the most challenging part of volunteering?

During lockdown, we did the sessions online. That was quite a challenging task. Many learners were less than confident with Zoom meetings and so that added an additional hurdle for both the volunteer and the learner. But it was also one of the most worthwhile aspects of volunteering because, once learners overcame the concern with online participation, it played an important role in keeping them connected with friends and family during a very difficult and lonely time for many.

It’s always a lovely moment when I see how happy they are when they can overcome a problem that has been really worrying them and, in many cases, causing them stress.


Want to make a difference to the lives of older people by volunteering with ACE IT? Find out more here!